Mother's Day Weekend...Part Two

After the plant sale we called Bryce to say that we were on the way to pick him up. We had made plans to go to Findlay Market. What have we been missing! I've lived in Cincinnati two different times, neither of which have we ventured to Findlay Market. What a shame. It is so fun going places with Bryce in 'the big city'...he knows all the coolest places. Findlay Market being a big one. I guess he feels comfortable walking out in front of cars...but then there is a sidewalk and pedestrians are supposed to have the right of way. The only difference is that Bryce is so tall he can be seen. And then there is Michael...he makes me nervous trying to be like more ways than one. When you first walk in the Market the first things you notice is first all the people...wall to wall. And then all the different kinds of meats. Look at the size of those crab legs. I know they had to be as long as Michel is tall. All I wanted to do was try some of Uncle Bobs fish cakes...but all sold out. So you know that they must be really good. When was the last time you had some good ole ox tail? Me never! Just crazy things like that all over the place.
There was an open air market with things like soy candles, homemade soaps, organic things and organic that, jugglers, music provide by people like kids putting them selves thru college, to old worn down cowboys a pickin' and a grinnin'. People carrying their little dogs in bags, everyone had a canvas bag or two and the smells of food cooking....The boys all decided that this joint had the best smelling burgers.While they were waiting I was able to snag us a table for four right in the center of everything. Just must to have been meant to be! Sloppiest but best burger I have had in a long time. Michael downed his in about two nano seconds.After lunch we made one more pass thru the vegetable/flower vendors. Michael stated coughing and sneezing so Bryce took him to a neighborhood park on the other side of the parking lot. After about 10 minutes or so I looked over and saw Bryce pushing a little black boy from the 'hood' and Michael was talking someones leg off. Bryce loves kids...and he see clear! Wonder where he got that?

I think Bryce was more excited to show us some of the building they are trying to reclaim on Vine Street. Tini caught up with us, too. The shops are really nice. Bryce and Tini must look around a lot there because them seemed to know everyone. Imagine that...I know where that gene came from. Lots of unusual things and a cafe in a building that used to be a brick walls, hardwood worn floors, duct work everywhere...I love those kinds of places. We looked around one store that had the coolest tables and chairs made from bike rims...wish they weren't so pricey! Bryce needed to go get ready for work so we jumped in the car and were off to another fun destination. Again another place I have heard about but I think I might have been there once...Jungle Jim's International Market. Six Acres of food! OH MY GOSH! Beware that if you come to visit we will be taking you here. Every kind of food from all over the world...and samples...don't bother eating lunch before you come there are TONS of free samples. And make sure that you have Michael with you...he is a really great map reader. I was so busy looking for Kona coffee from Hawaii, English short breads, talking to a lady about duck eggs, looking for Wasabi peas, and eating some of the best grilled chicken with bourbon sauce I ever tasted that I did not get one picture. They would not have done the place justice. Holy Cow! I can't wait to go back. Michael even liked it...imagine food. Oh, yea baby!

Oh, there's more, so stay tunes for Part Three.


Katie R said…
I so miss Findlay Market!

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