Mother's Day Weekend...Part Three

I'm tired just thinking about writing this one. Another fun filled jam packed day around here. Trying to wind up Mother's Day Weekend.

My morning started out with breakfast in bed...blueberry muffins and Kona coffee. Mark caught Michael eating one of the muffins and he said..."not to worry Dad, I am taste-testing the muffins and they are okay to give to Mom." Michael also brought me the gift he had hidden in his impatient plant he planted in an empty milk container from school with art work...pirate ships and battleships and complete with a submarine all around..."I know you love ships, Mom."
We made it to church at the 9:30 service. We learned about the different languages of love. Really pretty interesting and kinda made you go hmmmm. Emmy and Michael left to pick up Bryce so Mark and I headed home to change clothes to go to the Appalachian Festival at Coney. It is a Mother's Day tradition. And the first thing we did guessed all the items available Michael chose a catfish sandwich and fresh squeezed lemonade. That kid loves his fish! Peep, you should really consider taking him to Canada wouldn't be bringing any fish home!Bryce got a huge turkey leg and some fried green tomatoes. Yum! I had some corn on the cob...the best stuff ever...I could eat everything they had made at that point. I love the stuff. Mark always gets the brown beans and cornbread. It's all good! We ran into two families that we knew from church that we hadn't seen for a long time. We got caught up with what all the families were doing and then were on our way.Michael and I tried to find the queen bee...but no luck. He reminded me that I was allergic to bees and not to get too close. Always looking out for me with the bees. Bryce and I now know that if we were to ever be on Survivor, we could make fire. He is just a little better at it than me. But we did it. I know that I would ever be able to eat that gross stuff that they eat. Gross!Speaking of about this huge dill pickle for only $1...makes my mouth water now just thinking about how good it was. We walked thru the village they had set up with tents and people doing all kinds of cooking over the campfire. I could stay in this part of the festival the entire time. But that wasn't going to happen this year. Michael and Bryce were ready to go on the rides.Emmy and Bryce took Michael to ride some rides while Mark and I went back thru all the 'shops'. There is everything imaginable...candles, iron works, weaving, quilts, more food, rocks, cloggers......we just took our time and made sure we didn't miss a thing. When we found the kids they were getting off one ride and heading for another...the big boat. Last year Emmy rode with Michael, this year she was the designated jacket holder. They cracked me up. Michael almost threw up on this one last year. He did a great job this sweat.Bryce is always trying to drive Michael nuts. He read the rules to him while they were waiting for others to get on the ferris wheel. One of the rules is not to rock the seat. And you already know what Bryce did...Michael could be heard over all the other people telling him that he was breaking a rule. Michael is finally tall enough that he can do almost all the rides by himself. He is so thrilled but it makes me just a little bit nervous. Especially when it concerns a boat in water. Michael doesn't know how to swim. I was a nervous wreck...ready to run and jump in if I had too. They were cracking us up with all their shenanigans.Michael thought that was the best thing ever. Bryce got just a little wet and Michael go a lot wet. We decided to call it a day and head home for dinner. Emmy and Michael took Bryce back home and stopped at the grocery store. Mark and I headed home to get a jump start on the yard work. You just might be asking yourself...Where has Sarah been all this time? Well, she had to work. She went to church and then came home and started cleaning. I walked in to a fresh clean house...kinda like that commercial for Merry Maids. That was the greatest thing ever. She even cleaned her room. Can I get an Amen? I wish I had gotten some pictures of our dinner. Some special recipe for chicken and sweet red peppers, grilled zucchini and yellow squash and a garden salad.It was so good! But while Emmy was cooking Mark cut the grass, Bryce cleaned out all the gutters and I watered all he flowers. With the team effort we got just about everything finished and had time to sit on the front porch.The one thing we forgot was to guess what animal was on my Mother's Day plate. You see, each year since the kids have been born I get a Mother's Day plate. We all try to guess what the animal is going to be. I think we have only gotten it right a couple of times. This year it is Ms Renee's favorite...

I have to say that this might be the best Mother's Day ever in the history of our family. You guys sure do understand my language of love and you all showed me yours. Thanks...I ready to do it all over again next year. What would make it over the top would be having Cassie and her crew here to do it all with us. Happy Mother's Day to me...remember I said it was all about me this year and Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms that have suffered thru reading about my wonderful weekend.


The Oakes said…
I made it through the book. Love how you can hear Michael laughing in the video!

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