I was going thru my Google Reader listings today and found this. Think it might be fun! Jen give the instructions so well...

Here are the rules:

1. Leave a comment letting me know you'd like to participate. You must be willing to provide me with a mailing address, obviously.

2. Post a "Pay it Forward" on your blog where you link back to me and extend the same offer to 5 of your readers. (again, if you don' have a blog, you can still participate maybe over FB, Twitter or just in 'real life' situations!)

3. Promise that you will follow through and send something special to those 5 who comment on your blog (or however you choose to do it!)(I'm sorry but I can only open this contest to residents of Canada or the United States)The little something something's don't have to be extravagant, just something that you select with that specific person in mind. What fun!!! Who can I bless with this Pay It Forward?!! C'mon, leave a comment!

So, I am looking for five people that want to play. Leave a comment with you email address so I can get in touch with you. The wheels are already turning...


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