Half A Walk

Around dinner last night something took over my body...the WORST migraine I have ever had. I was down for the count. Today I have been pretty much in the bed counting the hours until the sun goes down so I can come out of hiding. The light kills my eyes and head. Yesterday morning I was able to get out int he yard for a few hours...I knew I probably shouldn'tt have...pollen is high in our area. Michale and I both have been suffering this spring. But I felt okay. I had taken the meds and thought the headache would go away if I kept myself busy. That probably was the first mistake. I work a little and then decided to take some pictures of the newest arrivals to the yard. Things are finally coming up everywhere. I can't keep up. So here is the tour of the yard...oh, don't forget to put your quarter in the can for the tour (right Ms Yvonne). I love this bright green color, I wish Mark was here to remind me of this plant's name. And just look how great all the junk looks sitting around the fern. I found the old wheelbarrow on a hike with Barb at Preschool last fall. And the round thing...got that for a few dollars at the Flea Market. It is a door from an old stove. This is my Harry Lauder Walking Stick tree. Ever since I saw an older one at Serendipity Farms in WI I have always wanted one. Last year we found one that was dirt cheap...now he stands guard of the barn doors in the back yard. I am hoping that we live here long enough so ours will grow to be as tall as me. They are the coolest things...really corkscrew branches and funny looking leaves. This is my two for the price of one shot. I wanted to show the clematis and how thick it is this year only because I haven't tied it to the ladder yet. Twice as many blooms as last year. And you get to see the little green house and the naked ladies that are finally growing. Soon all the green will disappear and beautiful pale pink naked lady lilies will bloom. I almost stepped on this Japanese painted fern. We had them in WI under the willow tree and they are so different. I don't remember planting two plants only one. But I'll take as many as want to come up. Right now these are hugging the ground. I can't remember if the get very tall like the other green ferns.

Tomorrow is another day and I will hopefully be out in the yard taking more pictures...so be ready for the second part of the walk.


Jan said…
Jan, I had a horrid migraine, yesterday, too. Hmmm. Have you tried Frova, it's the only thing that works for me, with out bad side effects.

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