Growing Season

I was over visiting Moey's blog and saw this on her sidebar. Thought I'd give it a look didn't take long and I was hooked. Looks like lots of fun to me. Here are all the important words that you need to know...

Harvest Gardening Challenge:

1) PLANT SOMETHING, even if it is just one tomato plant. It must be a vegetable, fruit or herb.

2) Post a picture and blog about it on your blog, or if you don’t have a blog send us a picture of your garden, even if it is just one pot. Let us know a little about your garden. Then let the rest of us know by linking through Mr. Linky.

*Is this your first time planting, or do you have experience that you could share with the rest of us?
*Who is responsible for the garden?
*How are you fertilizing?
*What are you doing about pest?
*What do you plan on doing with the harvest besides eating it? Canning, freezing, drying, sharing, selling, etc…?
*How do you plan on using your harvest to be a blessing beyond the walls of your own home?

3) Link back to our current From Seeds to Harvest post.

We will post on Saturdays about our From Seeds to Harvest Challenge. We will use Mr. Linky so all of you can share your information and we can encourage each other. You may link through Mr. Linky at any time during the week. It would be best if we would all chime in at least a couple times a month.

We don’t want to hear just about the success stories, we need to share our failures too so we can learn from each other. You never know, someone else may have had the same problem you are currently having and they can help you. We’re all in this together.

So here is my first blog entry. We have had other gardens before but this is the first time we are trying Square Foot Gardening. A friend of mine is letting us borrow her book. We are the guinea pigs this year and she says if it works for us, she will try it next year. So far so good. I blogged about all the prep before , so go here and check it out.

Here are the latest pictures of the crops. The peas are finally getting big enough to go up the trellis. I will only eat peas out of the garden, my garden. Don't like them, frozen, canned or with pearl onions the way my grandmother used to fix them. I like mine fresh from the garden...sweet, sweet peas. Our broccoli looks least I can actually see little broccoli in the center. The Brussels sprouts, well lets just say that the snails are having a hay day. We had heard that putting beer in small containers would keep slugs/snails off the plants. It worked in the past with our hosta. I'm not so sure with these veggies. I'm hand picking them off daily. Any suggestions?

We have other cold weather plants in the grids like radishes, beets, onions, and turnips. I have started tomato plants, cukes, yellow squash, sunflowers and zucchini from seed. They are all in the cold frame..lookin pretty good. I wish the ground would hurry up and get warm enough to plant these in the last box.

Mark and I are taking care of the beds now. Our neighbors are anxiously awaiting the harvest. We plan to share, freeze, eat, and share some more...if we have what we think we are going to harvest...i5t will be a great first venture. We are so looking forward to that day.


MoeyMichele said…
Your garden looks great! We did not have such good success with our square gardens last year. We planted row-style this year and still, not much success so far. But the season is young yet. Yours looks fabulously healthy.
Anonymous said…
We've done a variation of sq ft gardening in the past and this is the first year it's done so well. I think my soil was the problem and after 2 years of adding compost and amendments, it's finally growing.

Your garden looks great. I have no idea about snails. We have a bunch too and I discovered one on my yellow lily flower yesterday. Eww

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