Frederick Russel Anderson

Let me just first say that you have to pronounce the name above changing all the r's with w's because that is how he introduced himself to use when we first moved to Cincinnati, years ago. Mark used to drive him nuts. Finally Barb Wagner told Fred to call Mark that was funny...for those of you that don't know Mark...he is a little hair follicle is probably the worst pictures I have taken and wouldn't you know it would be now. Fred actually preached on Sunday at out 'old church'. I just kept shaking my head and wondering when that little kid in the high chair grew up. He goes to Cedarville and is the youth pastor/director/person for a small church close to the school. And can the boy preach!!!!! It was great to finally hear him. It was wonderful to see old friends. And it was precious getting all the hugs! I love to visit that church. I always feel loved. Some wonderful people worship there.

What we took away from our morning with Fred..." The age old chemistry lesson...How can the blood of Christ wash us as white as the snow? So where do you live?


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