Climbing The (B)ladder To Good Health

This man literally cracks me up...where does he get this stuff? I think when he retires from teaching/track, he should definitely think about going on the road....

Saturday, May 9

Barb's best friend, the catheter, said goodbye today ! And good riddance. What a way to be leashed to the bed ! OUCH !
Aren't we glad it's not us. I can see you grimacing ! ( Our turns will come ). The I.V. tubes also said "sayonara, amigo " ( gotta be multi-cultural . The hospital staff is like the United Nations...and very good ! ). Isn't it neat that the best & brightest of the whole world come to the United States to become the best that they can be. Maybe we are not as bad as CNN says we are. What other country can say that ?

The nurses are always asking if Barb is farting and burping. Apparently that is a very important sign that all systems are returning to normal. All this time, I thought it was just a way to amuse my friends and gross out the girls ! Wow! The things I'm learning ! ( I know a guy who can play "Name that Tune" by farting...never mind. I forgot . This is Barb's list of friends , not mine )

So she is now free to walk the halls ( in a stylish hospital gown ) to her heart's content. Which means 15 minutes and then she's out of gas . Which is very good, according to the nurses. I think she is doing "awesome". It is always good to exceed expectations. Exceeding expectations should be the norm...not the unusual. And I time her on my stopwatch, too.

The nurses, and everyone else at Hartford Hospital are really on the ball and very helpful. Okay, the one tall lady with the Bob Marley accent ,who is a nurse's ass't is either mad at the world , or is working on her Master's Degree in unfriendliness...but she's the only one. I wouldn't want to arm wrestle her, I know that !

Communication is at 100%. Everyone , from the surgeons to the orderlies, stops by to give updates and say hi. Very Good !

Barb may get to be discharged as early as Sunday if all keeps going well. Barb's sister is doing great as far as the kidney functions are concerned. Apparently a south-bound nerve got bruised in the surgery and her right leg ( the quad muscle...the big one above the knee ) is temporarily ( we hope ) not responsive. They say it should be a temporary condition. They say that about the economy , too. Keep those fingers crossed .

Thank you all for the zillions of emails you have sent with good wishes. We truly believe that Positive Thinking helps. It has helped our friends in their times of struggle. And many of them had a much , much worse situation. We have nothing to complain about.

Thanks for keeping in touch,


PS Don't blame Barb for these emails. She has no clue what I'm writing. I'll pay for it later ! I'm really having fun !


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