Catching up...Sorta

I'm going to try to catch up with my blogging before the weekend. So you will probably be seeing little tidbits of what has been going on around here...Starting with the prom.Sarah decided that she didn't want to miss her junior year prom so she and her good friend Sarah Elizabeth decided to go and do the whole thing. Of course, she had to get the fashion guru to okay the dress. I think she and Emmy did a great job. She dress looked very nice.They did it up right...mani's and pedi's, jewelery...before doing anything they wanted to go by work and show the residents how great they looked. And of course, they were all waiting by he front door.
I can't figure who likes to be photographed more....this wonderful lady got each of the girls a really nice bracelet to wear to the dance. They were so thrilled! After the photo session, the girls were off to dinner and then on to the dance. We were the designated drivers. There was a method to our madness...once we dropped them off, we pulled right up in front of the Oasis and watched all the 'prommies' go in. The dresses were unbelievable and some of the guys went all out for their evening...a bright orange tux complete with orange top hat and orange cane. A pink limo deposited several couples. And for the life of me...were were some of those girls parents when ther got dressed and walked out the front door? Oh my! After Prom was at the school and I hear it went great also. The decorations and food available were awesome. Everything was awesome! Breakfast and on to church for the tired a weary souls.

Report from the Sarah's..."It was a lot of fun and now can we go to bed?"


Wow! How did she get to be so grown up? Sarah looked beautiful.

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