
One day this week Emmy asked if we would meet her at Lunken for a 5 mile hike/bikeride. Sure! When the kids were little we would go tto Lunken about once a week. It is literally a 5 mile oval (according to Michael) paved trail around the airport. If you play your cards jsut right you can watch all the corperate jets land or pilots practicing takeoffs and landings. We hit it just right. Not too many people and lots of planes. We all did really well the first mile or so. Michael is between sizes on bikes so the one he is riding now is just a little too little. Emmy ended up with a huge blister and I has a mild case of shinsplints. Next time we all will be riding bikes.


Now there is a picture of you doing this crazy bike riding thing. It is fun, isn't it?
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Hey Teresa...at least there is no video....wonder where that is by the way...just talked to Ms Yvonne...'our' tulips and iris are up in 'our' yard. She has pictures to share someday soon. Can't wait.

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