All Alone

Back a few posts I wrote about my friend Barb, the kidney provider...and her wacky, hysterical husband....I got this email from her today. YEA!!!!

Hi all,
I'm flying home tomorrow and doing sooo much better!!! Had my 1st post op visit this morning and got their clearance to leave town and be able to start driving. Everybody at the translpant clinic here has been very nice and I had a wonderful nurse care coordinator who has pretty much held my hand the last 5 months through every step of this process. I have 2 months to let my muscles heal with a legitimate reason to skip my exercise classes. My limits on life are no weight gain, no advil type products, no extreme sports (never be able to compete with Kyle in pole vaulting) and the need to drink lots of water each day. All a small price to pay for Ann being able to be free of dialysis. The 2 kidneys are functioning well solo in both of us. She felt better immediately with some new kidney function whereas I'm getting use to less function. They say within 6 months the lone kidney will assume the work of both and until then I may have more fatigue than I'm used to - good reason to lay around this summer! I so appreciate all your calls, emails, cards and support - your're the best!! Fortuanatly my sister also has a great support group here as she will need it until her leg usage resumes. She sees the neurologist and has a special test on Friday which hopefully will show the extent of damage and give her a clearer idea of what to expect. She has been told could be a month to a year for leg function to return. She has gotten used to using a walker, wheel chair, special potty seat, etc., but her loss of every day independence is what is so hard. Of course she can't drive and I can't imagine that. Twins graduate June 25 so you know what the next month plus will be like for them. Wish I could be here to help her although my limits of lifting, pushing, pulling etc make us a great pair. It has been beautiful here in Ct the last 2 days and just that is gving us that extra burst of energy we need! Enjoy spring!!
Much thanks and love,

Just thought you might like to hear the great news. But keep them both in your prayers while the recover from surgery.


Stacey said…
Wammy, great to hear they are doing well. What a blessing of a gift to give!

Wanted to thank you for commenting on my garden. This whole blog thing is new to me; I didn't even know how to answer your comment. LOL ... still don't know; so I'm feeling my way through. My garden's only a few years old. They key for me was planting my perennials close together, and filling in with annuals. I like to casually broadcast seeds (zinnias & cosmos); they're no brainers. It's not too late; you're probably in my zone; I'm in Indiana, less than an hour from Dayton; and I'm still throwing down seeds. Take care, Stacey

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