What A Party!

She never saw it coming...Julie and countless other put together one of the best days for Sarah Beth. They threw the biggest, most fun surprise birthday party with about 200 of her friends, family, supporters, prayer warriors and Love Your Guts readers. There is so much to say so I have decided to make a slide show of some of my favorite shots. I wish you could have been there!

I have never seen her so shocked! Everybody blew her away. It was like trying to get thru a crowd of flashing lights. Camera going off everywhere! Everyone trying to get close, wanting to hug and kiss her and wish her happy birthday. No one wanted to be left out. She was such a trooper. I don't know how she greeted everyone all day long. Her Aunt and Uncle came from CO. Coworkers came from DC. Kids from DayBreak came and brought a video from all her other kids in DC. Church families from Beverly Hill and Pea Ridge came. Neighbors from back in the day. Family members came out of the woodwork. It was better that great!
One of the special gifts was a video montage from the Blacks. It is so priceless! (Be sure to go to the bottom and mute my music on the blog and then you might want to turn the volume down on your computer for best results)



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