Vote Today...Tomorrow...Next Week....

I was searching the web for coupons and other money saving ideas when I ran smack dab into this at Kroger...Kroger Bag Design Contest. Please go here and vote for my bag design #13459. Tell all your friends. Tell you neighbors. The the principal of your school. Tell everyone you talk to, email, twitter (like I know what that is). Tell you professors, you church friends...even people you don't know at the grocery store. We have until May 15!

You can vote once a day....start clicking that mouse for me!


very cute, I voted for you & good luck!
leigh ann said…
so much cuter than the black bags i bought there! great job!
Anonymous said…
really before you vote for this one check out the one that sarah e from milford ohio and jan e from cincinnati made you might want to change your vote!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
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Jan AKA Wammy said…
Emmy (Anonymous) is so funny but yet so sad. She designed two with her name on it and the other with Sarah's. She has checked the votes and still only has one to my 30. It is amazing what your friends can do when they pull together. Thanks for the votes...keep voting!
ronda said…
I voted and I will keep voting!!

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