RRPC...By The Numbers

These are the only numbers that I am seeing these days. Numbers to the neighborhood pharmacy where we 'discuss' the price of a prescription because of an insurance change. Numbers of our friends (meds)that we must have to survive in the spring and fall..asthma and allergy seasons at our house. These weren't anything like what Iam sure Jill of South Bay Sililooquy had in mind for this challenge. I can't wait to see where everyone else went with this one. Have a look....


KM said…
HI Wammy, Great photo! I really like your take on the challenge. I can so relate! Hope you have an easy allergy season. Thanks for your comments and message of support~! :):)
Kranky Granny said…
Believe it are not I considered taking a photo of the number of pills that fill the seven day keepers that the Old Salt and I use to help remember if we actually took our meds each day.

In fact it takes a large egg basket that sits on tp of the fridge to hold all of the bottles.

So I also can so relate.

Thanks for stopping by our site and the nice comment.
Leslie and Mike said…
WOW! Can I ever relate to this; actually, Michael and I could have a contest and see who has more meds. I'll even count only my allergy/breathing meds and not the daily BP, etc.
I finished my latest antibiotic yesterday.
Mojo said…
When it comes to numbers, that's a common subject these days. Seems that every day I hear from one or more friends who are faced with a medication-related decision. Usually that involves the decision of suffering or surviving. But I suppose this isn't the time to go on a tirade about insurance companies.

Great take on the theme.
Yecap said…
Sorry to hear about your story. Thanks for leaving a message on my entry.

To answer some of your questions I would have to say that it is a combination of having an eye for compostion and training your eye as well.

I was reading an article recently, which I have unfortunately lost the link for, where the author suggested that you put limitations on yourself as to the kind of photos that you can take during a given period. For example, if you normally like taking macro photos, you say to yourself that you are not allowed to take any macro shots.

Another example was that if you are used to taking lots of pictures you only limit yourself to say a maximum of 5 pictures per day. This apparently makes you think harder about what you are shooting.

I have found that the rule of thirds has been a very useful rule that has helped my photography.

And finally always make sure that you apply all the rules that you learn all the time and don't be lazy about setting up your shots. If the conditions aren't right there is no point.

Hope you have found this helpful,
Gattina said…
Lol ! a nose spray ! Funny numbers ! very creative, lol !
ellen b. said…
Hi Wammy!
So sorry I'm so late in getting around to our Numbers challenge. My modem died on Saturday and then the weekend just got more and more bizarre! I'm happy to be able to visit today and see all the fun number shots. Enjoy your week!

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