Making A Difference

A new adventure has begun for our friends, Bill and Susan. Yesterday they picked up their first foster care placement from Children's Hospital. I couldn't help myself...I have fallen in love once again. The boys are too precious.The crib (a pay it forward to us) that we used for our little boys in WI is now at their house waiting for a smelling good tired little boy to lay his head down and fall fast asleep with their new wankies.

This is The Big D. He is a hoot. We shared my dinner of chicken and fries. He really liked my chicken and fries. We played with some toys and a truck that Michael gave him. We played "this is the way the ladies ride...." He even held Mark's hand and walked down the hall to see his new bed. I think we are both smitten.

This little man is The Little J. I got to hold him while he was eating his bottle. (I didn't even ask, Susan made Bill give him up) Oh, that holding a baby feeling, those sweet little fingers, those big beautiful brown eyes...

Please hold me back if I even think about considering...well, some of you know what I might be considering. Allyson better hurry back from Spring Break and Ellis and Alaire better get here soon.


You are too funny. I know exactly what you are thinking. If it weren't for people like you my dear children would not have had someone to love them those first few very important months.
Pappy said…
The problem becomes stoppping at those "first few very important months."
Leslie and Mike said…
I just enjoy reading your blog and other comments!
God Bless all of you!
Karen B said…
Thanks for posting the pictures. I heard about Bill and Susan's "arrivals" yesterday. I'm so excited for them! What an adventure all four will have!

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