On The Spur of The Moment

This morning we got up and had a list of things that we wanted to do in the yard. Jay was here so we visited with him before he left to spend the day in Covington with his girlfriend...more on that later...Just about the time I was getting ready to go out and get started, Ronda called and wanted to know if we would like to go to KiteFest...did we want to go...YES...we have been trying to go to this for two years. So I worked as fast as I could on a few things in the yard and then we all loaded up in the van. We parked far away so we had to ride the school bus...oh darn...on a school bus the first day of spring break....There is so much to tell it would take forever so I guess you will just have to experience it thru a slide show.


Jan said…
It's so cool to do spontaneous activities. Love your slide show. It's great.
ronda said…
Awesome pictures, had a great time, glad you guys could go!!!

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