I Love Unexpected Mail
I have always loved receiving mail. I don't care what kind it is...there is something always interesting. John, next door always says that the ones with the little windows in them are all mine. No way, I know those are the bills. Yuck! So today Ella and I go to the mailbox and what did I find...a package for me. (We have been checking the mail everyday because Christine has mailed a package from NZ with our latest published article...she says it is a good one.) But instead the package is from Jan, my blogging friend in CA. Let me back up just a minute...I have been working in the yard all day (when I should be quilting) planting seeds I harvested from last summer and seeds that I have accumulated over the winter. I asked Mark to check the seeds at work today (Yea, Lowe's) to see if they had any nasturtium seeds. We grew them once in WI and I liked them. Now, back to the mail from Jan...I open the unexpected package to find...
nasturtium and bachelor's button seeds. Awesome how that works! It's always the little things that make you go hmmmmmmm? The seeds have already been planted in full sun. So in 10-14 days we should see some little green shoots potting thru the soil.
Thanks Jan, you have made my day....seems you have been doing that a lot lately.
Thanks Jan, you have made my day....seems you have been doing that a lot lately.
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