Happy Birthday Emmy and Cassie

Officially this morning Emmy and Cassie were 30 years old. Cassie and 12:56AM and Emmy at 12:58AM. Cassie always makes the comment that those two minutes really make a difference. It is just not possible. I never thought I would feel so old. What to hear something that makes that even better....they have a 7 year old little brother and a 17 year old little sister and last but certaianly not least a 26 year old little brother. They were one and two and Michael is number 5. Yikes!I think Mamaw and Papaw called us at least 100 times while we were driving to WV. They had a little surprise up their sleeves. A cake, decorations and the works. We really have no idea what Watta Macsaie means, but it is one of Papaw's favorite words for everything. We think it might be Japanese but we can never be sure. One of the best cakes we ever ate. What a party! Dora party hats, Little Mermaid napkins, Barbie cups, High School Musical horns and plates. We weren't able to celebrate with Cassie but If you go to her blog...you can read all about her Special Day.


Karen B said…
Yay! I knew the twins and I shared a birthday. Forgot to send them my love, prayers and good wishes. Oops! Too busy moping over MY age! Oh well. It looks like Emmy had a great time. Will look at Cassie's later.
Thanks for sharing! - Karen

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