Happy Birthday 29th...again

This afternoon I got a call from Ruby inviting me to dinner. This was not just any old dinner...it was to celebrate Louanne's birthday. I'm not going to tell you how old she is, but I will tell you that I am older that she is by just a smidge. We finally figured out that I was to meet all of them at Texas Roadhouse. They crack me up. When they pulled up it was like the cars in the circus...the ones when the people just continue to get out....we had the best time and we had the best waiter, Justin. By the time we were all finished, he had the best southern accent that anyone in Ohio has ever heard. We solved the world's problems, talked about Michael's teacher (Nan's son used to date her when they were in high school), Donna's dogs and all the animals at the dog hospital, of course the Anderson boys, how Doris has a lead foot but never gets a ticket, Ruby's Johnny and how great he is doing, about how Megan learned to hang drywall, Sarah Beth and of course all my kids. It was a great time. Next outing being planned is a campfire/cookout at our house. Let's wait at least until the ground dries up. Thanks for thinking to invite me. Happy Birthday Louanne!


The Oakes said…
Now that sounds like a night to remember! I bet that waiter was thinking what in the world have I gotten myself into!!!
Karen B said…
I wish someone would have told me. I would have enjoyed being part of the celebration. - Karen Bartmess

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