Happy 30th Gert

Thursday of this week, Sarah Beth turns 30. That is so hard for me to believe. She can't be that old yet and I am certainly not old enough to remember the day that she was born. You see, I knew her before she was born. Her Mom and I are very close friends...kinda like sisters in fact. I remember vividly seeing her be rolled down the hall of the hospital in her Mom's arms. Then about 19 hours later Cassie and Emmy came into our lives.

I talked to her Mom last week and she is doing well after her second brain surgery and has started more chemo. She is such a strong person. But the chemo is doing a good number on her. Wouldn't it be nice if she could receive lots of birthday cards from all over. I know that I have asked several time for cards to be sent but this time is special. Here's her address at her parents house where is is staying until she is able to go back to her house with her brother...

Sarah Beth Napier
3084 Malcolm Road
Barboursville, WV 25504


Kathy said…
great blog entry.
Janet Hartje said…
This photo could be the poster for breast cancer awareness! I love the shirt on the beautiful little girl. I was just glancing through your blog to see your quilt for the quilt festival. Eventually I will get through them all, they are all so amazing. Thanks for joining in the fun.

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