EMPS #33...Close-Up

This one almost slipped by me tonight. I have been quilting like a mad woman for the last few days and just decided to take a break to see what is going on in the world of blogging.

The assignment from Carly...Easy, easy, easy... grab your cameras and show me something UP CLOSE. It doesn't have to be macro, just something you would like to show off at close range. A couple years ago, Elvis's friend Ernst graciously agreed to pose for me, see, that is him pictured there, so I know pets can be very willing subjects! Also good are flowers, candy, nails, fabrics, mixed vegetables, water, dirt, garbage, coins, people... the possibilities are endless! So go for it! Show me something UP CLOSE!

Extra Credit: Show me something you are photographing for the very first time. Something you never thought of photographing!

The only thing that I can get to 'sit' still long enough to photograph are the flowers in our yard. My kids make fun of me because they know that the blog is going to be filled with flowers, birds and things around the yard stating about now until summer is over. On occasion I might add some shots of people too...but not too many. So I walked around the yard and look what I found. Something Papaw gave me I think last fall. A primrose. We didn't thing the little sprig would make the 3 hour trip int he back of the pick-up. But I guess you could say that the proof is in the pudding...here she is in all her radiant glory. Now I am off to see what the other Robin have to share. Want to see?


Terri said…
Beautiful flowers, such nice crisp closeup! Well done!
Wammy, Beautiful close up of the Primrose! Nothing blooming here yet..so your flowers are a great visual treat for me:)
EG CameraGirl said…
The primulas are so pretty! Mine are only leaves so far. Nice close-up photo!
Suzanne R said…
The primroses are very pretty! I love their coloration, and you got a great shot of them.
Mike said…
I've heard of the flower, but I think this is the first time I've seen one. I don't get out much. :)

Good job!

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