EMPS #31...Footprints

It's that time again...Carly never let's us down. She always chooses a topic that stretches us in so many ways. This time really stretched me for sure. Nothing like waiting to the last minute to do my 'homework'. Does it count that I have been thinking about the topic since last week when I read the assignment? Footprints...there are a million of them in my mud soaked back yard. I think there are even more from our muddy boots and ended up on the patio. But as life would have it...the thunderstorm/tornado watch has washed them all away. I even took a shot of all the footprints going in and coming out of the Johnnie-on-the-spot at KiteFest...but decided that it wasn't any good and deleted it from the file. So tonight at 9:12PM I am coming up empty handed saying that this shot is the best I could do...Wouldn't you know that Ella would have to go out in the storm to do her little thing. She barely gets off the porch. Then we both almost break our necks getting in the door before the next clap of thunder.

I hope you will check out the shots that everyone has submitted. I am sure that they are way more creative than me this time.

Hey, Carly...when should I serve my detention?


EG CameraGirl said…
Serendipity! Just in time. ;-)
Suzanne R said…
Those are great footprints! They are a lot better than what I came up with. LOL! Good job!
I do love the picture of the footprints. Reminds me of those days when we still had little doggies running around.
I do love my new camera and have been taking so many pictures I don't know what to do with them.

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