Earth Day

I couldn't let Earth Day slip away without some pictures of the flowers. I just closed my eyes and pointed the cursor and these are the eight shots I came up with. Pretty much this is what the yard is filled with at this moment.
I did check on the little flightless birds this morning. I heard them making a big fuss from the front porch. I lifted the basket from the nail on the wall...and then I about dropped the basket. All three little birds flew out into the trees in the front yard. All my babies are grown now...flying from the nest. I wonder if they will come back tonight to sleep? But now all my attention will be in the backyard and this Robin's nest. This momma gets real testy when we come around the house or out the backdoor. I am thinking that these eggs won't be eggs very long...they have been there for awhile. Yesterday while I was out walking the dog around the yard and Allyson and I were getting a little fresh air, there was the most delicious frangance coming from one of our trees in the back or my neighbors tree at the driveway. It was so sweet. I wanted to sit on the swing on the front porch for awhile and enjoy it but the bus came and we had to get Michael in while he could still breathe. Soon things will settle down and he will be able to go out to play. That is until the mold and pollen count goes up. Poor kid!


Ang said…
Jan - It was so great seeing you and getting to spend such an awesome day with you, on Saturday. I do have a question for, could you please send me an email?....

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