Another T-Shirt Quilt

One of my sister's basketball players Mom's asked me to make her daughter a t-shirt quilt for graduation just like I did for Molly when she graduated from high school. Sure why not. Holy Moley! This thing was a monster! But I think she was really pleased with it. So get the word out that I am in the t-shirt quilt making business. I think I will make them with less t-shirt panels from now on. This one was close to a king size I think. Seriously, they make great graduation or birthday gifts. I am will to make them. All you need to do is send me the t-shirts and we can settle up on a price according to the amount and prices of all the materials I use. I usually takes about two weeks to make long as it is not to pretty outside.


Jan said…
Jan, you could set up an shop for this. Mark could retire and bee your business manager! Love the quilt, it's such a great idea.
Karen B said…
Wow! That's Really neat! Good job. Hmmmm...... I wonder how many soccer T-Shirts Bethany has. :-)
Jay said…
I'm going to buy one, and Carrie might as well. How many shirts do we need to provide to make one?
Kathy said…
oh jan i love this!. im SOOOOOOOOOOO saving my kids tshirts right now. actually i have saved baby/child clothes from each of my kids for just this sort of thing. i may have to enlist you as an employee here :)!

id love to get maggie to do this with some of haley and zoeys clothes..
bethany said…
Hey there! I was doing an online search for a place to get a t-shirt quilt made in Cincinnati and I came across your lovely blog! My second wedding anniversary is coming up in May, and the "traditional" gift for 2nd year anniversary is I want to have a t-shirt quilt made for my hubby. Are you still making them? If so, I would love to chat with you about what you charge, when you could do it, etc. Thanks so much! I hope to hear from you!

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