We Have a Job!

Mark is no longer unemployed! Twelve days of unemployment was enough for us. I consider us very blessed to be able to say that Mark was able to find a job in only twelve days. Lowe's is right down the road from us, but he will be driving about 30 minutes each day to the other side of town, we think. He goes in on Monday for orientation and I am assuming then he will find out just what he will be doing. We will still have to pull up our boot straps but we have a job and we will have insurance in 90 days!
Thank you Jesus. And thank all of you for you prayers, calls and emails. I makes you feel great to know that so many care. Oh, and we get to stay right here in the house up on the hill. Double yea!


Jan said…
Yeah! Good for you, all of you.
Leslie and Mike said…
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Sabrina said…
I've been waiting for you to post this, so I could say YEAH! God is so good.

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