Update on Sarah Beth ...From Sarah Beth

Another Miraculous Happening

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I wasn't feeling well, again and I knew something was wrong. Of course, we all did. We had scans showing the tumor and necrosis size growing. Surgery again was an option, but we were trying to control it with the steriods, which i despise. Anyway, we had brain surgery on March 2nd and everything went great. I have no paralysis on my left side. I'm able to talk, walk, communicate and do anything else I want to do, which is ALL GOD!!!. My doctor was able to get everything he could see. I go to his office today, so I'm hoping to see some pics of my brain and where he was able to take the tumor out.

Now, it's just doing the normal getting over surgery stuff....resting, etc.

I do have a request. I would love it if you all could join me specifically for prayer in my next steps. I've felt for a while like I'm just kind of "stuck" and don't know what direction God wants me to go or what He wants me to do. I only know one thing....is that I want to serve Him wholeheartedly. I don't know what that means could use some prayer and discernment as to where God is leading me and what He wants me to do. After everything I've been through, there has to be a reason why He hasn't taken me home yet and I'm making myself available for whatever that may be. Thanks for reading and taking the time to pray. It means sooooooooooo much!



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