Sarah Beth Update
Leigh Ann always says it so much better that I can...
From LoveYourGuts by Aunt Leigh Ann
Sunday, March 08, 2009
just a little short update on miss sarah beth. we went for a visit yesterday afternoon. she was doing pretty well! weak still, but good. she's up walking a little (with some help), smiling (important!), keeping up with all the different conversations going on around her with those of us sitting in her room (no small thing), and remaining hopeful. and always, always, trusting in God's care for her. she is so grateful for all of the prayers said for her. and honestly, i don't even think we know the half of it - SO many people who love her and care for her...people we've never met. people who don't know her personally, yet love her just the same. continue to pray as she continues to recover, and as she begins chemotherapy in a few weeks. we appreciate you all so very much.
I text Aunt Kate for my morning update and she thought that they would be going home sometime today...can you believe that!
From LoveYourGuts by Aunt Leigh Ann
Sunday, March 08, 2009
just a little short update on miss sarah beth. we went for a visit yesterday afternoon. she was doing pretty well! weak still, but good. she's up walking a little (with some help), smiling (important!), keeping up with all the different conversations going on around her with those of us sitting in her room (no small thing), and remaining hopeful. and always, always, trusting in God's care for her. she is so grateful for all of the prayers said for her. and honestly, i don't even think we know the half of it - SO many people who love her and care for her...people we've never met. people who don't know her personally, yet love her just the same. continue to pray as she continues to recover, and as she begins chemotherapy in a few weeks. we appreciate you all so very much.
I text Aunt Kate for my morning update and she thought that they would be going home sometime today...can you believe that!