RRPC: The Old Place

I can not wait to see what everyone comes up with on this challenge...we are to show things that have been around for 50 years or more...Seriously, this house is way older that 50 years. I'm guessing at least 100. I love old beat up and run down things...you should see our gardens, they all full of what others call junk. I don't care I love them and think they give the gardens lots of charm and character. This old house was one we just happened by on an afternoon country ride in Amish country in northern Ohio. I think I would love to live in an Amish community. Their way of life is so very simple. Yet I think I might have problems with some of it. But I would love to give it a try sometime. I tried to get Mark to stop so I could go nose around in the house. He would let me for some very sound reasons. Maybe next time.

I just had a brainstorm...I could post picture of Mark and I...we are both over 50...well, then again maybe not. It was just a thought.

If you would like to see what everyone else posted for this challenge, click challenge.


Hi Wammy, Great Photo,I always wish these old houses could talk..the stories they would tell:)
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Great Picture! I bet there are a lot of memories in those old walls. All the sounds that make a home. Children, laughing, a mom calling kids for dinner. I can just about hear the sounds, as I look at the photo. Great choice for the challenge. Well done m'dear.

Always, Carly
Kranky Granny said…
I love it. I have a soft spot for derelict homes and wish I could restore very one I see. I have caught myself scribbling plans for the restoration after stopping to photograph one.

Like you I would be sneaking inside for a look see if my rational husband were not on hand to stop me.

Perhaps we should take a road trip together and see how many we can tally.
Suzanne R said…
A very interesting old house -- it makes me wonder if it contains a wonderful fireplace and other beautiful features that have been let go or if is just falling in on itself. Great for the imagination! Nice job!
Mojo said…
Well you sure won't read any Amish blogs, that's for sure. That's one thing that'd be a deal breaker for me for sure.

But I'll bet they have some cooll photography. I always wanted to try tintypes.
MyMaracas said…
Great old place. I love old and shabby stuff too. Your hubby was right; these places can fall down on top of you. But I understand your urge to go exploring.

Congrats on the job! Twelve days is a miracle in this economy.
Gattina said…
This house inspires stories ... it looks so romantic.
Living with Amishs, I don't know can't imagine life without running water and electricity (and computer !!)
Nancy said…
Yes I love old beat up places like that too....well done!


Anonymous said…
Great shot! I, too, would have want to snoop around to picture life there many years ago...
Monica said…
You and Mark aren't "places" .. I had the same thought of posting a photo of myself and Sonny. I couldn't get out and had to resort to old files.

Love this old home you found. It makes you wonder what it was like in the earlier days. What it saw, the families, etc.

Linda said…
Love the house----can't you just imagine the family that lived their and what kinds of things they did?

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