RRPC: The Color Purple

When I first read the challenge from Vicki at Maraca, I thought there was no way to find any purple around here. Then I happened to think of all the flowers from last summer. Seems that we had an over abundance of rich purple hues all over the yard. So I started to dig thru the files and these are just four of the first ones I found. I thought it might be fun to make a small collage for something different...kinda shake things up just a little. Be sure to check out all the other purple findings here.


Great colours!

I love purple!!

I played too :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks, thank you for showing us the different shades of Purple.

Two Thumbs up again!!

Do visit my blog as well, I value your comments.

Have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
Hi Wammy! Love your purple collages! I can hardly wait to see purple flowers popping up again...
Gattina said…
Beautiful purple flowers ! I also had some difficulties to find something, it's not a color I especially like.
Carly said…
Good Day Wammy :)

Ooooh... I like what you did with the four little windows! Nicely done that! The only one of the flowers I am sure about is the Morning Glory, what are the other ones. They are just gorgeous! I am doing some gardening beginning at the end of this month, so I can use all the ideas I can get. :)

Always, Carly
Linda said…
Beautiful purple flowers! Nature always seems to come through for us in all the colors we look for.
I wanna hang out in your garden!

I played too :)
barrettmanor said…
Very nice flower pictures. But I have to say I really fell in love with the "sad cow!"
Yecap said…
Good series of purple flowers. Great work. Thanks for sharing.
Suzanne R said…
Very nicely done! I love all the purple flowers.
TJ said…
You have purple !!
What a treat to see so much of natures beautiful shades and plants!
Nice..really nice.
Anonymous said…
So very pretty, makes me eager for spring to get all the way here!
Monica said…
I really like that you presented the flowers in a collage. All were beautiful and I truly enjoyed looking at the purple flowers and now I'm really ready for spring!

MyMaracas said…
Beautiful photos! I couldn't even find anything in my archives. LOL

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