Prayers Answered

I wish there was some way to explain to you how much Sarah Beth and family and friend appreciate you prayers. The update this evening....

From Aunt Leigh Ann and Uncle Greg

Monday, March 02, 2009 sarah beth is out of surgery and doing fine! God has been so gracious...the surgeon said that he was able to get a lot of the tissue out - some of it was necrosis, some tumor. she's able to open her eyes, wiggle her toes, lift her arms. she's breathing on her own. she'll be in recovery and ICU tonight. scans tomorrow. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your prayers for sarah and for our family. we can't even express how much it means to us. we've been overwhelmed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Sarah Beth is out of ICU and back on the Oncology floor with no tubes or any thing else attached to her body. She is eating well, looking good, and moving around. Her head hurts...yours would too if you had just had brain surgery, for the second time. She knows who she is, who we are, where she is, what year it is.... a little weak on the left side. But I can tell you that she is 1,000 time better than after her last brain surgery.

I just found this on Sarah Beth's Journal

a positive little update

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
her CT scan was good. she's in pain but is sleeping..was able to eat a little bit..she's very quiet because talking and moving hurt her sweet head..she's being moved from ICU back to the oncology floor...God is AMAZING! please continue to pray as she continues to recover and regain strength.

We got to talk to Emmy on Skype.
Let me take you back to yesterday morning...they came around noon to get her prepped for a CT scan, took her to holding for a central line, and finally around 4 PM they took her to surgery. The lobby was filled with family and friends. We are a crazy bunch...just ask Aunt Leigh Ann. We had lots of food, some games,and every electronic piece of equipment you can think of. Uncle Dale even learned how to Text message. He loved it until someone told him that he would have to pay for all those messages. Speaking of Uncle Dale...everyone made fun of my snuggie but everyone (except Julie) wanted one. Uncle Dale modeled for us all. They do look dorky but they sure are warm! We moved people and furniture to make a blanket. Two years ago Kate bought the blankets to make Jeremy a blanket like Sarah Beth's. For some reason...wonder what that could have been...the blanket never got made. I had Kate bring the blankets to the waiting room...actually the left side of the main entrance of the hospital. I figured that with all the people waiting during surgery (more than 30) we could have it done in no time. I think Aunt Leigh Ann and probably others thought I was nuts. It was fun. We even had other visitors to the hospital that we didn't even know give us suggestions and instruction on how to make the blanket. It was so crazy! Everyone helped and that was a good thing. So tonight almost everything in our world is right again.

Pray and people..two amazing things. I think we must have had the entire world praying for the Napier Family. It was exciting to hear where everyone had emailed to let others know of the surgery. As far away as Austria to Brazil and New Zealand...I know there were more. The power of prayer is an awesome thing. Please continue to pray that Sarah Beth gains her strength back and has a quick recovery from this surgery. Cards are great too!

Sarah Beth Napier

c/o St Mary's Hospital

Room #6153

2900 First Avenue

Huntington, WV 25702


leigh ann said…
correction...i do NOT want a snuggie. and i know for a fact you're crazy but i love you. and that didn't stop me from helping with the blankie. i love love love spending time with you, you crazy thing.
Elisabeth said…
Jan, it was so nice to get to spend some time with you the other day. I agree with Leigh might be the crazy one of the family but you sure are fun! Isn't prayer amazing! It's such a blessing to see the amazing results for our sweet Sarah Beth!
leigh ann said…
want me to delete your pics, dear?

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