I Didn't Think We Could Do It

I thought for sure that we has bitten off more than we could chew. We have tackled lots of projects for the yard, but this one...I was not to sure about. Mark had faith that we could do it. So...I searched high and low for a before pictures of this nasty bunch of ivy and this gnarly smelly bush stuck on the edge of the neighbors driveway in the bottom corner of our yard. It was awful. Mark has been cutting on it for about a week. The roots to this thing and the vines were backbreaking. And guess what we found...a really cute little rock wall. Bet you can't guess what we did...The weather looked nice but man was it ever cold. My toes hurts so bad after being outside for a few minutes. We kept digging and pulling out rocks along with hundreds of ivy vines. We've never done anything like this before. We love looking at old walls but have no clue what to do next. So we just started laying them in a line.
We dug rocks out of the dirt. We pulled endless vines. We rested in chairs on the street. We waved at people as they pass. We might have argued a little bit...After we were satisfied with our job, we had to decorate it. Again, those flowers we grew from seed came into play. We planted, Shasta daisy's, cone flowers, clumps of geraniums, snow in summer along the wall. Emmy even helped with the mulch. Then today we added some of the flowers that Ms Yvonne and I found along the road in WI. Here's our finished product. Looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I will be checking every morning at the bus stop to see how our garden grows...and probably a few more times a day too.


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