Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work He Goes

The new adventure begins. This morning after getting Michael on the bus, Mark headed out on his 30 minute drive to the place of his new employment, Lowe's, for Orientation. I overheard him at the bus stop talking to John...something about going to work to get away from doing work...can't imagine what that was all about!


Anonymous said…
I can't believe he let you take his picture as if it was the first day of school.
leigh ann said…
like he had a choice.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Hey Anonymous...he was the one that asked..."Aren't you going to take a picture of me on my first day?" At breakfast Michael was naming all the things he could think of that he has ever seen at Lowe's. He is so excited
Yay! He's working. I know when Greg is home for long periods of time he upsets my routine. Are you thankful for him getting out or do you ahve lots of project still for Mark to do?
Jan said…
Good luck to Mark. Love the photo.
The Oakes said…
Ellis said "pappy's van is brokened, they don't have vans at lowes but he could drive a tractor."
Sabrina said…
How did the first day go?

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