EMPS #30: Things That Float

Oh Carly, you don't want me to take a shot of what first came to mind...though I did have several that offered to help in the process. I told them that I for sure didn't think their ideas were very appropriate. Challenge: Show us something that floats. Our weather has taken us on a roller coaster ride the last few weeks. We have been in the 70's and now today snow has been forecast for the next two days. I had hoped to find leaves floating from the trees but instead the trees are just budding. I had wanted to take shots of water gently cascading down rocks but with all the rain we have had...nothing but a blur. So when I took the dog to the mailbox, I saw that the wind had defrocked our forsythia into the puddles in the street. Our walk continued to the back yard. There I found the birdbath with dry brown leaves from last fall floating in a filthy rain water along with a new bright green leaf of spring. I an looking forward to seeing what the other Robins have to share. Want to play? It is habit forming.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Great shot of the birdbath. :) I like that pretty green against the grey background. :) Great photos.

Suzanne R said…
Neat floating item pictures! I like them both very well.
EG CameraGirl said…
I like your idea of a floating leaf - probably because that's what I though of too. ;-) Nice photos!
KM said…
Great photos! I love the first one. I like the floating flower and the rocks in the bottom of the water. I take a lot of picture of rocks at the bottom of the river. Can't wait to see more of your challenges!

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