Bottle Tree and Compost Bins

Last year Mark put together a wire compost bin. We have been doing everything that you should do to we have about a 3 foot by 6 foot round bin of some pretty good stuff. We saved leaves from last fall. Lots of leaves from last fall. I remember a time in WI when I was wishing we had leaves. Now I pray that the wind blows them into someone else's yard...sorry neighbors. But I am pretty impressed with what we have. I plant to use it in all the potted plants this spring.And this is the new and improved compost bin. (Thanks to my garbage picking husband.) It sits right next to the old bin. That way we can transfer the stuff in the old bin that hasn't decomposed yet to the bottom of the new bin. And that way I can get to it lots easier. That Mark, he thinks of everything! But we still have a mountain of leaves to deal with. I see a third bin on our futureI have saved the best for last. A few years ago we made the saddest excuse for a bottle tree that I have ever seen. The neighbors all laughed. But now we have a new and improved bottle tree. We even moved it up closer to the house. I love it! I used every bottle that I have available. I still need a few more...she's a little light on the top few branches. So I guess my neighbors and the people at Ruby's better get busy.........


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