Window Herb Garden

A few months ago when it was really cold and the ground was snow covered I was dreaming of raised vegetable beds packed with garden vegetables that I could harvest with my own two little hands. I was reading on the Internet and looking for rain barrels when I saw this cute little herb garden made of terra cotta pots. They were so cute and so expensive. So I put my little thinking cap on and figured out what I could do. First you have to eat a lot of eggs...which are not my favorites by any stretch of my imagination...YUCK!!! When you crack them, you need to be very careful just to crack off the very top. I rinsed them out and set them in the window to air dry. It took forever to find seeds...guess I was jumping the season just a little bit. We finally found some seed packets two weekends ago. One warm day last week I got some potting soil, a black permanent marker, and my eggs shells.As you can see the chives and chamomile have sprouts and are about an inch and 1/8 of an inch tall. I am so looking everyday about a hundred times for the others to start showing a little green. Now to get Mark on to those raised vegetables bed construction.


Jan said…
I've done something similar for small Easter gifts. Why couldn't Micheal do something like this for the NZ magazine?
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I suggested this project but the editor doesn't think there is enough meat to it.

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