RRPC: Light Moves

Our challenge for the Robin's this month is brought to us by Julie who authors Stately Barrett Manor. Our subject is light...not see much of that around here lately.

The official challenge...Take a picture that shows the quality of the light. By that I mean the hues of a sunset, water reflected on water, refracted light, something interesting with light.

One day last week Allyson and I were looking out the window at the birds and squirrels and when I turned around this is what I saw on the opposite wall. I wanted pictures but by the time I got back the shadows were gone. The sun had moved on. So this morning I decided to go downstairs to see if the sun was playing more games with us. Sure enough there were he shadows on the wall. Everything in the shot that is black is a shadow. I noticed another thing. Cloud cover makes an impact also. In the span of less than one minute the shadows changed dramatically. I still wish I had been able to take the shot the first time I noticed the shadows. The images were so crisp not at all like these muted ones. Maybe tomorrow morning I will get up when the sun comes up and see what the shadows look like. But then again if I am warm and toasty under the cover, I might not get to see it at all.

Be sure to stop by and see what the other Robin's have come up with. They are an amazing bunch of photographers. They don't know it , but they have taught me a new way to look at objects before I click the shutter. I am always amazed at how they interpret the challenge and their shots are always interesting.


Anonymous said…
very beautiful! it's like a temporary tattoo for the walls :-)
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

WOW... very creative! It reminds me of my old friend Joyce. She completely redid her bedroom several years ago, and she fussed and fussed on getting just the right shade of off white paint. Well, she put up these beautiful sheer pink curtains, and when the sun came through the window, it turned the whole room this amazing shade of pink! LOL. All that fussing, and the room looked pink most of the time. It's so funny what light does. I just love the shadows it has cast here, the snowflakes are just whimsicle and fun. Great capture.

Suzanne R said…
Very interesting effects -- nice job!
Gattina said…
How interesting ! It's sometimes crazy what we can see around us. Now I have to watch my walls !
Monica said…
What a beautiful effect the shadows have created on the wall. Perfect photographs for the challenge.

Those are really intriguing. I can't imagine the photo you didn't get a chance to take being better than the first one you DID take. I like it a lot!
fdtate said…
I like your "light moves." A great interpretation of the assignment.
Anonymous said…
Stunning pics.
I love the shadow effect...yes, light is such an essence when it comes to photography.

You have such an eye for it. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Woohoo! Wallpaper without all the gaudiness! lol. Those are wonderful shadows. Nicely taken.

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