Recipe Swap

One of the first things I do once I have everything under control in the mornings is check Google see what everyone else in the blog world is doing. This morning I found Jan AKA JP is doing. A Recipe Box are the instructions...

This month's theme is "Fun Foods". You know those foods, you don't make often, but they are staples in your family's menu just because they are fun. Fun foods are usually sticky, salty, sugary or fattening, and we all love them!

Jan's recipe for JP's Peanut Candy Bars look pretty good. Think we might just ave to check the pantry to see if we have all the ingredients for some cooking this weekend. You know that I know two 'pastry chefs'.

So here is my Swap....Monkey Bread....we always have this when we have company. When the girls were in college, they would bring friends home for the weekend to ski or shop the GAP Outlet...Monkey bread was breakfast. Sarah's friend over for the night...monkey bread. Something special for the little boys in my life...monkey bread for after school snack. Now when all the girls get together Cassie makes the monkey bread. We got the original recipe from Mark's Aunt Grace. Enjoy!

Aunt Grace's Monkey Bread

4 cans of refrigerator biscuits cut into quarters
2/3 c sugar
1 TBS cinnamon

Mix sugar and cinnamon. Roll biscuits in mixture and drop into ungreased bunt pan

In saucepan, med heat,
1/2 c sugar
1 TBS cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 c butter, margarine

Bring above to a boil and pour over biscuits. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Let set a few minutes and then turn out of pan.


Jan said…
I've always heard of Monkey Bread, but never tried it. Sounds good.

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