Published Birdhouses

Michael and I got another article published in the New Zealand DIY Magazine. Our copies and a special gift for us came in the mail today. Here is the cover. I must admit that I go straight to the Kids DIY section first. Christine, our NZ friend and author of the article, did the best job ever! The editor decided that we had done such a good job on this one that they needed three pages. Three Pages...a record for us!
Look how cute Michael looks in his official DIY NZ Project shirt. The article has quotes from Michael and me. It makes me laugh. There is even a quote from my dad. I wish I had about ten copies to share with everyone.So if you know of anyone that needs a license plate birdhouse for their yard and is willing to pay for the postage...we know just the place.
The magazine has a website... if you want to check them out. We always have fun figuring out what projects to make. And we are always surprised how great the articles turn out. Christine always sends a little surprise that has something to do with NZ. This time she out did herself...three beautiful tiles to hang on the wall. All depicting birds of New Zealand.

Christine always sends a really nice note telling us what a good job we did. We did have a blast working on this one. It was fun to have my Dad help. I can't wait until he sees the article. And the rest of the magazine is really interesting. But it is always hard for me to remember that our seasons are opposite. So in saying that, does anyone have a good idea for our next DIY project?


Jan said…
Congrats to Michael and you, too.

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