Poor Baby

This week has been a rough one for all involved. Allyson is, we believe, cutting teeth so that makes her grumpy. And you know that means that if it is close, it is in her mouth. Chewing like there is no tomorrow. Her favorite chewie, the strings on my hoodies. I finally found a toy that has a few strings on it. Works just fine. Yesterday was tough. She has a 'hurt' shoulder and arm. So yesterday we spent a lot of time on the floor working out the muscles (thank you PT Teresa for all the lessons) and by the end of the day she was using her arm...rolling over and pushing up. Yea! Plus some children's Motrin.And to top it all of, yesterday she had a doctor's appointment and got three shots. Poor thing. But today we are doing well. Naps on schedule, eating well, laughing, playing, wanting to be held, getting held and loved on...regular old day. Yea! I just don't like it when the kids, any kids, are sick.


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