Pay It Forward

I love this movie. And I must give credit where credit is due. One of my blogging friends, Jan, all the way out in CA, had a blog about this the other day. It has been on my mind ever since I read it...

“Pay It Forward” is a book written by Catherine Ryan Hyde, released in 2000, but it's also an action plan within a work of fiction. Is it only fiction? I don't think so; it's a way of life.

My "Pay It Forward" will actually be about books, I know, you're shocked. If you want to be on the receiving end, leave a comment, include the word BOOK, and be one of the first three with BOOK in your comment. Be sure I have a way of contacting you. There is one further rule. Upon receipt of my "Pay It Forward", you must be willing to do one of your own on your blog, within one month.

So, basic rules:
Leave a comment
Mention BOOK
Do your own Pay It Forward ( this means you must have a blog.)

After I mail out my Pay It Forward, I'll post a photo of what it was.

Years ago, Mark and I found ourselves in a little bit of financial difficulties due to the family business going into bankruptcy...a little bit of the same kind of situation were are facing now. At that time we had the girls and Bryce was just a baby. We lived in a small two bedroom house. We did what we had to do to survive. There was a retired postal worker at church, Harry Appell, who would make sure that we had enough money 'so our babies would have food to eat.' He would always very privately and very respectfully asked how we were making it and then hug me and hand me $50.00. I was so humbled and so grateful and very touched. I think Harry planted the seed in us for Pay It Forward. (I ended up having Harry's granddaughter in class at Preschool many years later.)

From that experience, I think I have always tried to live with less and always tried to help anyone that needs a little help. It might not be might be raking leaves and cutting grass when someone is trying to sell their house or making people aware of the needs of children that have gone through a terrible disaster...sending cards to people just to brighten their day or sharing flowers/plants from our garden...driving 3 hours to a co-workers mother's funeral or going to the hospital to sit with someone's family member because they were out of town and couldn't be there. Just seeing a need and acting on it the best way we know how.

Part of Jan's Pay It Forward, the last rule is that we must find someone way to Pay It Forward to someone else. I had three $5.00 Starbucks cards just taking up space in my wallet. One of them has already been given away. So the two that I have left will be sent to the first two people that respond with a story about an experience you have had Paying It Forward or recieving a Pay It Forward. You must also Pay It Forward to three other people. You must be willing to leave you story in the comments and them tell me what you plan to do to Pay It Forward.


Last summer I bought a very expensive new vacuum cleaner and the store I bought it from (Target) gave me a $100 gift card for buying the vacuum. I used $25 of the card before I realized I could do something worth while with it. We have some friends whose husband lost his job and they were having trouble feeding their family. I gave the remaining $75 gift card to them to use to make ends meet.
I am not completely sure how I am going to pay it forward, but I think I will get 3 gift cards for a some store (don't know which one yet)and give them to 3 people.
Jan said…
Excellent, Jan. I don't want to play, but just wanted to comment.
Anonymous said…
I am the grand daughter of harry that Jan had in preschool many years later! I really enjoyed reading this about my grandfather.. It brought back many good memories!!! Ashley Dellinger
I am harry's daughter. I always knew I was so blessed to have such a kind, loving, christian father. My dad really was so generous, and I am so thankful he could help your family when you needed it. I am also so very thankful that you remember his generousity and kindness, and have patterned your life trying to do the same for others. Your story really touched my heart. My father really was so generous, and he instilled a spirit of giving in me, as well. I try to help others whenever I can. My father loved your family, as he often spoke of you. It has been 15 years since my dad passed away, and I miss him everyday. Thank you for remembering and loving my father.
Elizabeth Appell Sheets
Anonymous said…
ok I am such a sap well I know EXACTLY where I get that. Next time I tell you I am on my way to school DO NOT tell me to read the blog imediatly! Iam sittingin the computer lab crying. As if these people did not already think I was CRAZY! thanks!
Anonymous said…
God is still working bringing all of us together through your blog.
Our God is an awesome God!
Kathy said…
i love the movie pay it forward. ive never read the book though. I'm sure there are some examples of this in my life and I love to be the pay it forwarder person. Wish i was rich so i could always pay for the persons stuff behind me in line. But I need to remind myself more it doesnt have to be about money but service is just as good if not better. thanks for sharing.

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