Pay It Forward Revisited

I am blown away! Totally Away! You just never know who might be reading your blog! And how did they know you had a blog in the first place keeps running thru my head!

If you read the blog and the comments before this one, you might be blown away too.

Check out the back row. See the little boy, Asheesh, with the turned head...talking to the little blonde girl....That is Ashley, Harry's grandaughter. Not only did Ashely somehow find this blog, but another story about Harry's giving heart was told. A sweet, sweet man. (Ashley...I gotta know, how did you find the blog?)

I was reading your blog and enjoyed your mention of Harry Appell. He is one man that made such an impact in my life too. I mention him quite often when I talk about special people in my past. When I was pregnant with Jenny and on the social committee with him, all he would "allow" me to do was to slice the butter to put on all the tables. I'm glad you mentioned him. It made me smile and brought back good memories.

And then a little later I get this response...

I am harry's daughter. I always knew I was so blessed to have such a kind, loving, christian father. My dad really was so generous, and I am so thankful he could help your family when you needed it. I am also so very thankful that you remember his generousity and kindness, and have patterned your life trying to do the same for others. Your story really touched my heart. My father really was so generous, and he instilled a spirit of giving in me, as well. I try to help others whenever I can. My father loved your family, as he often spoke of you. It has been 15 years since my dad passed away, and I miss him everyday. Thank you for remembering and loving my father.
Elizabeth Appell Sheets

So I guess you never know what just a simple act of kingness will do. AMAZING


Jan said…
Yep, ya never know. Love the photo.
Anonymous said…
OK - I have that picture too!!!!
And, I remember Asheesh reading and how he knew the make, model, and year of the cars that all the parents had back then.
I love the Harry Appell stories. There is a man at my church now, "Vinson" and he reminds of Harry Appell every Sunday.
I see Miss Connie every couple of years out somewhere. Leslie
Leslie and Mike said…
Check out who is a new blogger!
The Oakes said…
very cool mom..... oh and speaking of cool, that jumper is to die for, do you know where I could pick one up for myself?
Anonymous said…
Hello Mrs.Ellis,
i am so glad i found the blog, i actually saw where someone had posted the link on my aunt laura's wall on facebook, so i thought i would check it out! It was so good to find you..i would love to get your email address so i could send you some shots from my wedding that took place in May!!!

Ashley Dellinger
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I would love to see your wedding pictures and hear about what you have been doing since you were four. I guess the only one in your family that I haven't hear from is you Uncle Tim. Amazing, isn't it?!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad sent LeighAnn sent me the link to your blog. I love hearing stories about my dad, and how he touched the lives of others. We were all blessed. Elizabeth Laura Appell Sheets
Anonymous said…
Ok I have a couple things to say...
1. Props to Leslie Skurka, she must have been the most fashion forward mom at St. John's because see little girls in pretty much that same outfit everyday! I think it to really really cute!

2. Mom Cassie is right that jumper wow, the sad part is I remember it which means you has it FAR too long!!!!!!

3. I blew up the picture to check it out and Cassie looks DEAD ON you, minus the Dorthy Hammel cut!
Leslie and Mike said…
Oh my gosh! To hear that I was "fashion forward" makes my day and it is still very early! I may have to make sure both of my daughters read this, especially the one in the picture.
So far, it is back to work today on a 2 hour delay. I will, of course, be fashion forward myself.
Anonymous said…
My dad tim..has been reading what my mom shows him on the blog!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Oops! least I remembered his name is Tim. Still waiting on those wedding pictures.

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