Michael's Haircut

Mark took Michael to the barber shop the other day for a way overdue haircut. He looks totally different. I asked him if I could take a picture of his handsome haircut for the blog so everyone could see how handsome he is. His reply...'no way". Okay, two can play at this game. 'Michael, when you come home from school tonight, can I get a picture of you and Ella?' 'Sure Mom, as long as you don't get my hair.'This is a close as I could get to a picture. I guess I will just have to wait when he is not looking a click away and hope something will turn out.


TJ said…
Kids never cease to amaze me. I cut hair for just about 1/2 of my life. The kids really could be a challenge. For some you would think I was cutting an appendage for others it was just a experience.
Sweet boy shot with the pup! Yup, just click away..you are bound to get a few you like..TJ
TJ said…
Kids never cease to amaze me. I cut hair for just about 1/2 of my life. The kids really could be a challenge. For some you would think I was cutting an appendage for others it was just a experience.
Sweet boy shot with the pup! Yup, just click away..you are bound to get a few you like..TJ

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