Job Search
Tonight I was informed that Mark will be locking the doors to Circuit City for the last time in a little over three weeks. He says it is really sad and he feels really strange watching something die a little each day. Twenty four years and five months and in a few weeks it will be all over. Kinda makes my stomach do flips. He is working on sending out resumes, filling out applications and networking everywhere he can. We would love to be able to stay here...Sarah's senior year next year, Michael and his good friends, our church, our great neighbors, the school system, the house, the yard...and just the thought of moving again sends me into a tizzy. But we are open to where God sends us...He has always led us to good things. We have always been able to bloom where we were planted. But I would ask for your prayers...for our sanity and for patience...and a job really quick!
Renee :)
Best wishes...TJ