Happy Birthday Ella Bella

According to our records from the Montgomery County Animal Resources Center (February 14, 2007)today is Ella's birthday. Michael is so excited. Before we could take Sarah to work we had to 'make a cake' and sing Happy Birthday to her. I nixed the birthday party with all her friends and the birthday cake. Instead we had a birthday peanut butter train sandwich. I don't think Ella cared one bit. We could only find one candle. So now Sarah, Michael and Ella all have a Birthday date, a Got 'Cha Day date, and an Adoption Day date. I better get the calendar out now and start marking the dates so I can remember them all.


The Oakes said…
please save that picture! what a classic michael and ella bella picture. I can hear it now, "oh Ella Bella, you are so adorable, I just love you so much!"
Anonymous said…
Sending you belated Birthday Wishes from afar.

This is Holly in Hong Kong. How was your party? Wish I were invited...maybe next year, eh?

You should come to Hong Kong for a visit as well.
Anonymous said…
Jan - Love all the pics
Printed Recipe from Pioneer Woman today for french onion soup.

Want to try the shrimp!!


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