Our 'adventure' is getting a little scary! Mark has gotten word that the store will now close Sunday, March 8, 2009. He might have to stay a few days long as there are things to be picked up, he will be there. The interview process seems to be slow. Four so far but nothing offered. There is talk of relocating...Our health insurance runs out at the end of March...that will be panic time for me. Pray that we keep our sanity, that there in a company out there that is the right fit for Mark, and that is comes soon.

Thank you for all the phone calls, email cards, emails, hugs of encouragement, job suggestions and prayers. Keep 'em coming!


Kendra White said…
move to indy... that way we will each know someone:)
leigh ann said…
we love you guys so much..
Jan said…
You've been in my thoughts. Our store, Barnes and Noble, just hired an assistant manager from Circuit City. I think the company uses

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