EMPS # 24...The Color Red

I don't know where my head has been all this week...I almost forgot this one. But I think I have a winner. This weeks' challenge from Carly...

EMPS #24: The Color RED.With Valentine's Day next Saturday, and February being Heart Health Awareness month, what better time to focus our attention, and camera, on the color RED. As always, feel free to step outside the box as far as interpretation goes. RED Beans & Rice, RED hearts, RED roses, RED dogs, a RED crayon, RED cream soda, RED meat, RED rubies, RED cars, RED clothing, Rhode Island RED chickens. You get the idea.

Extra Credit: Show me something Valentine's Day related that isn't RED!

Michael and I spent yesterday with a friend of mine (names not given because I don't want to spoil the surprise for someone) working on redoing her kitchen. Her number one son was working from home. Number one son was a very faithful and important member of the youth group at MWBC, many years ago when they let me be the director of the youth group. This number one son is now a college graduate and getting ready to be an FBI agent. He also is getting ready for another important adventure in his life.....

I think this little red box says it all.

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way... things I had no words for." Georgia O'Keffeey

Check out the actual proposal shots at Pottinger Photography.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy

Now that IS a winner. Gorgeous ring, pretty red box... awww...romance is in the air! Well done!

Tammy Brierly said…
That is very romantic and red is love. Gorgeous ring!
EG CameraGirl said…
Someone is gonna be very happy. ;-)
Suzanne R said…
What a beautiful ring, and how neat that you were able to photograph it! That's truly a romantic item if anything is.

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