EMPS #23...Winter

It's winter, here in the northern hemisphere, but here in the San Francisco Bay Area, it was 80 degrees yesterday. What's a girl got to do to see some cold weather? Glad you asked. Your assignment for this week is to show me some WINTER DAYS in your neighborhood. Snow, rain, clear, yet icy conditions, bare trees, dead leaves, whatever accurately illustrates a WINTER DAY where you live.

Extra Credit: Show me the current temperature where you live.

Oh, Carly, you are missing the most beautiful snow storm. Literally the snow is blowing sideways. It is coming down at the rate of and inch per hour. Our latest storm started a little before the school bus dropped Michael off at the bottom of our driveway. As you can see by the smile on his face...he is thinking that tomorrow might be another snow day. I think he just might be right. I will go out in the morning and take a picture so you can see the end result. I have called my Dad and my in-laws to tell them to take cover. It's a bad one right on the tail of a killer ice storm.Extra credit...word is that we will be below 0 before morning.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

O? I have never been in 0 conditions before! I would love to see the snow, but I think my arthritis might protest a bit. :) Great photos, thanks for letting us see what your winter days are like.


Suzanne R said…
Cold, cold, cold! You truly are showing us winter here. It makes me wonder if there was a snow day the next day. With those conditions, around here there sure would have been, but we Pacific Northwesterners can be a bit quick to stay home due to snow. ;-) Good shots!
Tammy Brierly said…
Cold but beautiful! Kids here are having a snow day. :)

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