Cancers Ugly Head

I've been working on the computer all morning and I was just about ready to go fix Michael and I some breakfast when I've got mail...please take a minute to read the following email I got from Aunt Leigh Ann...I don't think I want to eat now. I am sending this to everyone!!! in my address book.

our niece, sarah beth, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. many of you reading this already know this story, but some of you don't. i won't go into the details of the past 4 years...if you're interested in knowing, please read her online diary at's worth your time. the cancer metastasized - the main area of concern in the past year (plus) has been her brain. she has already had one surgery in 2007 to remove a brain tumor. the brain tumor they have been monitoring is now around 4cm. the symptoms/difficulty it causes her are worsening. she's kind of been in a holding pattern waiting for her doctors to come to some conclusion about what to do. chemo has been hanging there as an option, but yesterday she was advised by the 3 of them - her neurosurgeon/oncologist/radiation oncologist to go ahead with surgery and then chemo. so that's what she's going to do. they want her to do it sooner rather than later and gave her the option of today (saturday) or early in the week. she's going with early in the week, so it will be monday or tuesday. one of her reasons for wanting to wait until then is to give people more time to pray. she knows the power of prayer and feels the support of so many through that. it makes all the difference for, that said..the reason for this note is to ask you to pray for her, whether you know her or not. if God moves you to do so, please pray. please also pray for her mom and dad (mark and kathleen), her brothers (jeremy and jason). and the rest of us..we love this precious girl so very much. she is loved by many. thank you, in advance, for lifting her up to the Lord, for speaking her name to Him and laying her and her circumstance at His feet.

What more can be said except, please pass the story and pray.

Sarah Beth Napier
c/o St Mary's Hospital
Room # 6159
2900 First Avenue
Huntington, WV 25702


Luanne said…
Jan--just wanted you to know that I will be praying in Wisconsin for Sarah Beth. I checked out her blog and will continue to do so.

Also, Bev mentioned a few days ago that Mark's job situation. Another matter for prayer.

Hope kids are doing well. Say Hi To Sara!

God bless!
leigh ann said…
thanks aunt jan..i knew you'd pass it along. i love you. and we're praying for you and bubba and family too.
Will be praying for Sarah Beth.

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