Busy Day

We started the day out with a bang...Said red headed little boy didn't go to school today so he got to spend the morning with us...Allyson and I. Luke brought me something very special. He worked hours on it last night...and he knows just how much I love birdhouses...It is made of wood from his basement (Mr John is a DIY handyman and he is redoing their basement. Everything is held together by tape. He even found paint for decorations. It even has written Jan's Birdhouse on the top. I love it, love it, love it! We decided that it was safest on top of the TV in the family room for now. But when spring comes it has to go outside. Miss Allyson was in a great mood today. She decided that today was the day that she would pose and pose for the camera. I try to send Julie...and others...pictures everyday. Just so they can see what we are doing. And to keep track of how Allyson is changing. Today was great. I have so many great shots but I will only post one or two.

We had a very special visitor...a retired FBI agent. Boy was I nervous! My armpits are still wet! I have a friend that has wanted to be an FBI guy for a long as I have known him...something like 20 years. I was one of many character references. I could only sing Richard's praises. I tried and tried to think of something awful to tell the man...but nothing.

Tonight as I am typing Mark and Sarah are at the high school in a meeting for Post Secondary Education Registration. Sarah qualified to be able to take some college courses (all paid for) her senior year. We could not be more thrilled. I can't wait to see what they register for and which college they choose. I'll blog about it later.


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