Allyson's New Trick

We finally were able to send the kids back to school after an entire week of Snow Days. And that means that Allyson is also back. She seems to have grown a foot....actually she is 20 pounds and 28 inches long. She has grown. Not only that...she has a new trick...She is sitting upon her own! Yesterday she was 6 months old. She is doing great with cereal and sweet potatoes. She laughs out loud all the time...happiest little girl on the face of the planet. Look at how well she is sitting! Michael came home from school today and went right to her to explain Mario and his DS. She listened and watched him like she understood every word he was saying. He even let her push the A button. Mark and I made our Monday trip to the grocery store, Allyson wasn't too thrilled. On the other hand, people thought she was the sweetest thing that had come through the door today. The squirrels were even glad she was back. This one talked to us all day. He even got right up next to the window and stood up on his hind legs and looked in at us. Allyson squealed and started kicking the window....all this while sitting upright in her chair. Next thing I know, she will be crawling all over the place. Look out Ella, her she comes!


The Oakes said…
love that picture of michael showing her the DS.
Jan said…
Wow, she is a cutie. It's marvelous the way Michael interacts with her.

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