The Week In A Flash

I can honestly say that I can't remember what day it is. I don't remember what day we did what...the week has gone by really, really, fast. I do know that Cassie and the kids will be here for one more week. I do know that Trevor made it back to CO without a hitch and that he is getting ready for a Winter Retreat with his 'Kids" from church. I have TONS and TONS of pictures. I am choosing some of the best ones. If you would like a closer look at our week...go to Cassie's blog.
Seems when we have family and friends visit, we eat tend to eat a lot. For being such little sweet thing, let me just tell you that she can eat the boys under the table...she even puts Michael to shame. And she loves it hot and spicy!
Alaire's hair is growing out...but only on one side. Cassie is trying to keep it back with anything that she will keep in. We had a "pretty"(that's what they call anything that they can get in her hair) that making day...Cassie and Emmy worked on bows on clips...using some of the buttons that my Mom and grandmother had saved. But Alaire's hair is so thin they just won't stay in. Who cares...they made a million of them. I think it was Wednesday last week that we had white bean chicken chili. Ellis loved it! He used Michael's special bowl that has a straw attached. He used his straw for about two bowls of soup. Don't think I could have done it. I love the soup but don't think I could drink just the juice.
And can I just tell you that Alaire has given Allyson a million kisses. I think before it is all said and done, Allyson might have a cold also. Alaire is such a good helper. Speaking of helpers...Michel is so good with Ellis. He helps him get out of the van and lets him watch videos on the DS. I overheard him telling Ellis that he was his uncle and that he was going to help him. But them in the next breath, Michael is furious with Ellis because he doesn't want to do something he wants to do. What is a Mom/Wammy to do? We got a very little bit of snow one day. Ellis and Trevor were out in it the next morning right after Michael got on the school bus. I tried to stay out and play but it was way to cold for me with no coat on. As you will see on Cassie's blog Ellis likes riding the tractor in the snow better than trying to use a sled. Cassie likes to hit all of her favorites when she is in town...LaRosa's, 31 Flavors, Graeter's, Skyline, Montgomery Inn, Penn Station and El Coyote. She is already looking forward to Gino's in Huntington. Ellis and Alaire loved Graeter's. Ellis had Batman...which is actually mint cookies and cream.

So Friday we are off to Huntington for yet another Christmas with our families. I know that you are going to be on the edge of your seats waiting to hear about the stories and the pictures.


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